Would you like to join our integrative healthcare team?
HealthspOT is currently seeking expressions of interest for the following professionals who are interested in joining our team and providing integrative and trauma-informed healthcare…
Mental Health Clinician including Psychologist, Occupational Therapist & Social Worker - Casual/Contract - with preference of training or interest in integrative and mental health care, training in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Somatic Experiencing and mind-body techniques.
Clinical Nutritionist or Dietician - Casual/Contract - with preference of training or interest in functional testing, and integrative and mental health care.
HealthspOT operates via Telehealth nationally and honours a flexible work-life balance where you can choose your own caseload and work hours.
Please use our contact form below to record your details so you can be informed when capacity is available.
Expression of Interest
Fill in your details below to record your interest, or if you have any questions about
working at Healthspot.